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Tell me about Soccer for my child in the Spring Cove area

Morrisons Cove Memorial Park (MCMP)

Spring Cove Soccer Club (SCSC) and Morrisons Cove Memorial Park (MCMP) are excited to offer youth soccer activities aimed to create a fun and supportive environment where players can develop their skills, grow their love for the game, and foster friendship among teammates.

Parking Information
Please utilize the designated parking areas within MCMP property. These include the large parking lot below
the pool (walk up thru the path to the Tennis Courts), parking spaces across from the pool-house, or grass
parking along the airport fence line above the cow barns.

To ensure the safety of participants and other youth activities, kindly refrain from parking, or driving, on
school property which includes Spring Cove Elementary parking lot, the playground road or the grassy area
between playground and batting cages.

Pick-up/Drop-off Location
Pick-up and drop-off should be facilitated by a parent from the large parking area, escorting your child
through the path between Little league baseball field and tennis courts. Players will not be released from
the soccer field without a parent or adult.

Cancellation Policy
Program coordinators reserve the right to cancel games/practices in the event of excessive cold weather or
rain. Please note that the week of May 27th may be utilized as a make-up week for any cancellations.

Lightning Policy
In the event of lightning within a five-mile radius, with or without hearing thunder, all games or practices will
be suspended immediately. Participants will seek immediate shelter with parents in automobiles or with
program volunteers within the MCMP facility.

A lightning app will be utilized by program coordinators to monitor the situation. Games will not be restarted
for at least 30 minutes after the last lightning strike is seen or roll of thunder is heard.

Notifications regarding cancellations or lightning-related suspensions will be communicated to parents via
email and the Home page of this spring cove soccer website.

Free v Free Fridays
MCMP Recreational Program
Skills Development Program